The ONE BOOK that Blew My Mind and Changed Everything


November 3, 2020

“Stop trying to build an airline and start drilling for oil.” I never wanted to build an airline or drill for oil … but in this podcast, I explain to Bryant Francom why this was still the best business advice I ever got. I explain how it helped me make the decisions that rescued me from $1 million in debt, built a 7-figure digital agency, and inspired me to teach others to do the same through my educational program Agency 2.0.

I describe how I started my first business at 14, struggled to replicate my early success for years, and finally cracked the code to the “laptop lifestyle”—traveling the world and working when, where, and how he wants.

We also touch on:

  • The book that blew my mind and changed everything.
  • Why I stopped giving business advice for free (spoiler alert—it wasn’t out of greed, it was for my students’ own good).
  • How authors can be some of the best mentors, even if you never get to meet them.
  • Why the laptop lifestyle is better than you could have ever imagined.

About the Show: Bryant Francom is the host of Busnsource.

Full Transcript

Bryant Francom: Today we have on Dylan Ogline on the Busnsource Podcast. After growing his digital marketing agency into a 7-figure agency, generating over a million in sales annually, Dylan Ogline turned his focus to helping other people start and grow their own hyper-profitable digital agency. Dylan undoubtedly believes that anybody can start and build their own digital agency that will allow them to have more freedom and live a life with purpose and meaning; and he wants to give everyone possible the tools to do just that. Do you want to tell us a little bit about yourself, Dylan?

Dylan Ogline: Absolutely, Bryant. Thank you very much for having me. I'll say that first. But, yeah. So, I own a digital marketing agency called Ogline Digital. As far as Ogline Digital, we provide digital marketing solutions for typically blue collar businesses. Basically we are doing digital marketing management, Facebook, Google Ads, that sort of thing. Then I also have an education company where I teach people. I have a training program where I teach people how to start and grow their own digital marketing agency. So, that's what I’m currently working on and where I’m at now.

Bryant Francom: Tell us a little bit about your beginning in business. Starting a business at 14, dropping out of high school, and ending up with a million dollars in debt. That's a crazy story.

Dylan Ogline: Yeah. Yeah, it sucks. It's not fun. It's not a great beginner story I guess. But yeah, that's the sum of it. I started my first business when I was 14, selling cell phones on eBay. This was prior to the iPhone age. I’m 31 now so this is prior to – going back to 2004, somewhere around there. 2003/2004. Basically, the best cell phones were – European cell phones were far ahead of the United States. So, they had all the early smart phones.

So, I totally don’t remember how but somehow I ended up with a wholesaler agreement. I signed up for this website that they provided the cell phones wholesale and somehow, someway they accepted me and I could get the cell phones at wholesale cost. So, then I would have to pay to ship them to the United States and they would sell on eBay for $400/$500 and I would be able to buy them for $300. That was it. Nothing fancy. So, that lasted for maybe six months. Maybe a little bit longer than that. I don’t remember.

My merchant account got shut down because they found out that I was under the age of 18. So, that went out in a blaze of glory. But fast forward a year or so and I don’t know if I quit high school before that business got shut down or not. I don’t remember. But so yeah, then I dropped out of high school and spent the next 12 years or so just in a lot of terribleness. Bouncing around from one business idea to the next.

Finally in 2016, I just scrapped everything. This was when I was a million dollars in debt. I was making maybe $50 grand a year. I didn’t know what a vacation was. Sleep was a nice fantasy to have. Scrapped everything. Just focused on one thing and that was the agency. Focused on one service, it was the digital marketing management. Very quickly things started to turn around and go in the right direction, and here I am. That is 14 or 15 years condensed into one to two minutes.

Bryant Francom: How did your family feel about you dropping out of high school and ending up with a million dollars in debt?

Dylan Ogline: Well, they never knew about the debt. I don’t think I’ve ever – I’ve publically talked about it but I don’t think any of them even know. As far as the dropping out of high school, my brother dropped out of high school, my dad dropped out of high school. So, that wasn't far-fetched. But they definitely wanted me to go to college. That was my expectation as the youngest, was to go to college. I convinced them to let me "quit" school and take like, homeschool. Back then it was a lot different than what it is now. So, I had to pay for it, I had to buy my books. It cost me like, $2 grand, maybe $3 grand. They were like, oh okay, that makes sense, sure. I just never opened the books. I never took any tests or anything. Then finally I was like, what do you want me to do? You want me to redo tenth grade? They were like, no. So, just convinced them somehow and they let me quit.

Bryant Francom: How did you get into digital marketing and why over digital marketing over starting another business or some other venture like real-estate?

Dylan Ogline: Well, I did do some real-estate investing. That's a good question though. So, I forget what book I picked up. It might have been in the 21 or 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing. I don’t remember. But somehow I picked it up while I was building that first cell phone business. I picked up where things were going with digital marketing. Like, how advertising was this huge thing but digital advertising, digital marketing – at the time, I don’t think Facebook had been started. But Google Ads had just started and banner ads. Like, this is going to change the world.

The simple fact that with digital advertising, digital marketing, you could track your results pretty accurately. This is prehistoric times. You know, back in 2003/2004. That just blew my mind because I picked up or I read somewhere that you could buy growth. Once you figure it out and once you get it going, you could buy growth. I was like, all I need to do is eventually just figure that out and I could pay to buy growth. It sounds stupid, it sounds silly. But that just blew my world. Again, this is the infancy of Google Ads and things like that. That just changed my world, changed everything, and I became fascinated with it.

Bryant Francom: This is still possible today. It's not one of those things where you invested in it while you were little then it grew and you took the money when it grew, right?

Dylan Ogline: Oh I mean, as far as digital marketing today, it gets better and better every single day. Sure, things were cheaper back then, like Google Ads. I remember the first Google AdWords I ever did. It was like, 5 cents a click. For anybody who knows anything about Google Ads, now if you’re paying $5 a click you’re like, oh that's pretty cheap.

So, it's gotten more expensive but the efficiency of, especially Facebook, I mean Facebook is just ridiculously efficient in how the system, the AI can specifically target you or target potential customers. It's like, minor leagues to major leagues if you’re talking like, comparing different types of advertising and different types of marketing.

To jump back though to answer one of your questions, you talked about real-estate and whatnot. During that 12 years of pain, suffering, and terribleness, and getting nowhere, being broke, being tired, and not going on vacation, I went in so many different directions and that was the mistake I made. Like, in 2016 when it clicked to me and I just focused on the agency work, I had like, ten different business projects. I did own some real-estate. When I scrapped everything, I had just closed on a flip I did. I flipped a house. Lost like, a couple thousand dollars. I was doing Kindle publishing. I was building a jobs website. I was building a lyrics website. Like, all these stupid ideas. So, wasn't doing other things. I was but it was because I was always chasing the shiniest object. Definitely, shiny objects for sure.

Bryant Francom: Right. I was just thinking along those lines that you were spread out all over the place.

Dylan Ogline: Mm-hm.

Bryant Francom: You're saying that was a mistake but that led you to digital marketing, so I was just curious about that.

Dylan Ogline: Sure. I mean for me, during that phase I was always doing some kind of agency work. So, I was building websites. It was almost like, how I paid the bills. I was building websites. If you needed a banner ad, I was your guy. If you needed a logo, I could do it for you. If you needed a PowerPoint, I was your man. I was like, the Jack of all trades. I was miserable. I was doing everything for everybody in every industry in every business, ever and making no money. But that was how I thought you had to do it and realized that mistake, luckily when I was still in my twenties.

Bryant Francom: What is the laptop lifestyle and how do you build it?

Dylan Ogline: So, have you read the book, The 4-Hour Workweek?

Bryant Francom: No, I need to get to it.

Dylan Ogline: Read it. If you haven't bought it, go on Amazon, buy it.

Bryant Francom: It's on the list.

Dylan Ogline: That book changed my life. So for me, I grew up in a small town and the idea of having an office and a fancy business suit and going to work every day, that was just the dream. Then I picked up The 4-Hour Workweek which kind of talks about like, a different lifestyle. Like, how to do things in just a different way.

So the laptop lifestyle, for me what that means is essentially being able to work when you want, on what you want, where you want. So, it's not about not working. I think life would be boring if you’re not working on something that you’re passionate about. It's not working on something that drains your soul or working in a cubicle 9:00 to 5:00. It's about working on something that you want to work on, when you want to work on it, where you want to work on it.

Things are different now with COVID but a lot of people don’t want to spend their lives going on vacation once or twice a year, they want to travel. I have built my life in a way where I can travel. Again, prior to COVID, travel and build my business at the same time. That's kind of what the laptop lifestyle is all about.

Bryant Francom: As some inspiration to our listeners, can you tell us what it is like living the four hour workweek?

Dylan Ogline: So, I would comment quickly that the four hour workweek is not about actually working only four hours. It is more about the freedom. It's more about freedom. I still work probably 60 hours a week, especially with COVID because I don’t have anything else to do but I just want to point that out real quick. What was your original question though, how is it? I apologize.

Bryant Francom: Just inspire our guests to want to live that life and what is it?

Dylan Ogline: Sure, sure. What it is again, is being able to work on what you want, when you want, where you want. I would define it as that. That's what it is. How is it? Well, inspiration. That's a great question actually.

I’m going to tell this with a story. So, I was mentoring this younger guy. I think I met him at an industry event or something like that. This was probably a year ago that I had this conversation with him. He's from the same small town in Pennsylvania that I’m from. Works a dead-end job, like fast-food, making $8 an hour or something like that. I think he's in college but he has that itch to do something different. He doesn’t want to live this boring life of go to college, pay off your college debt, and the next thing you know you’re 60 and then maybe you get a couple years of retirement.

I think I took him out for coffee one time and we're just sitting there chatting. I’m trying to give him some advice and whatnot. He asked me something similar like, how is it? I think his specific question was like, is it as great as I think it's going to be? I said, absolutely not. It's not. For him, travel was a huge thing. In your mind when you imagine you’re in some European city or some southeast Asian city and you have the whole city in front of you, you’re building your business, maybe you’re not making a ton of money. That doesn’t matter but you have the freedom to be in this far-flung city, to explore, to travel, and work as you want. As awesome as you think it is, no matter how high your expectation is, it is so brutally wrong because no matter how high your expectation is, it's not high enough. It is so far beyond what you could possibly expect. It is infinitely greater than what you imagine. That would be my answer.

Bryant Francom: Really? I’ve heard that it's lonely at the top. That once you get up there, you’re free to do whatever you want but there's nobody else that could do it. All your friends are at work. It's the opposite then, you’re just free, would you say?

Dylan Ogline: You know what, I think the world overall is changing. I think a lot of people are seeing – I think it started with the Millennial generation. Which, I am a Millennial. I don’t know about you. But I think people are seeing it different. They don’t want to live that way. So when I’ve been out traveling, you'd be surprised how many other people are doing the same thing. When you are traveling, if you’re doing it solo, by all means, things can get lonely. But you'd be surprised how many other people are out there who are expats, who don’t want to just spend their lives in a cubicle and you can meet people and you can make friends on the road, for sure.

Bryant Francom: The real question at this point then is how do you achieve that? How do you achieve the four hour workweek?

Dylan Ogline: How do you achieve the four hour workweek? I would say focus would be the first thing. Focus on one, single business project or one, single idea that you have. At least for me, that was just the brutal advice that I needed to get. Just focus on one thing.

Yeah, do that and I also think – I’m going to answer this in a roundabout way. I think mentorship or at least having somebody who is – you are the sum average of the five closest people in your world. So if you hang out with a bunch of other people who work 9:00 to 5:00 jobs, you’re probably going to work a 9:00 to 5:00 job. If you hang out with five people who aren't very fit and you want to be more fit, you’re probably not going to be athletic because you’re around people who aren't athletic.

So the easiest hack that you can make is surround yourself with people who either want to go where you want to go or are already where you want to be. The cheat code to that is that you don’t have to have ever met them. They can be books that you read. They can be dead. It can be Benjamin Franklin. It could be George Washington. It could be anybody. I mean, it's obviously better to have somebody who is alive and somebody you can point to.

Two huge influences in my life are Tim Ferriss and Robert Kiyosaki. Robert Kiyosaki wrote the Rich Dad, Poor Dad which is another book that I highly recommend everybody read. I’ve never met either of those two people but they've been massive influences on my life. I think just having somebody to point to, like, hey this person did it so obviously I can do it too. Does that make sense?

Bryant Francom: Yeah. So you specialize in the digital marketing agency. Is that a good way to achieve freedom, I guess?

Dylan Ogline: It's very self-serving for me to say yes but obviously for me, the answer to that is yes. The type of business that I have – actually, I’m going to go even further. I’m going to step back and give a lesson that was given to me. I talked about how in 2016 I scrapped a bunch of business projects, right? How that happened was I randomly got a call from a mentor, a long-term mentor whom I haven't heard from in years. Calls me up and we exchange pleasantries. I lie to him. I tell him everything's great, as you do. Then we dive in and I’m like, no, my life sucks, I’m up to my eyeballs in debt, everything's terrible, everything sucks.

He says to me that I need to stop trying to build an airline and start drilling for oil. That kind of sounds silly, I know. But what the lesson was is that the airline industry is extremely difficult to make money in. Sure, people do make money in that industry but they're typically the best of the best, of the best. If you’re just good but not great in that industry, you’re probably not going to make a lot of money. You probably are going to lose money.

With oil as an example, it doesn’t mean it's easy but you can be just good in that industry and you’re probably going to make money. I know with COVID things have changed but this is 2016. This is when oil was like, $80 a barrel. But the lesson is like, you want to – he goes on to explain this to me. You want to focus on a business idea where you don’t have to be incredible. You don’t have to be the best in the world at it to hit your financial goals. Which at the time, all I wanted to hit was 6-figures. That was my goal. If I could just get to the $100,000 a year.

So, I had the Kindle idea. The best in that industry, they're making $4,000 or $5,000 a month. Well, I wasn't going to be the best of the best. I was probably going to be average, so that's why I only ever made like, $300 or $400 a month. The lyrics website and all these other stupid ideas I had were just low margin businesses. They were airlines.

So the advice was, just focus on the high margin business or the business that has the easiest chance of success. You're not going to hit a homerun on every bat so just aim for the things where if you hit a single, you’re still going to be successful. So that for me was the digital agency work. But going even further, it was just the digital ad management service which is a high margin business and easy to scale and easy to grow. It's not an easy business overall. I mean, our whole businesses are hard but it's a lot easier than building out a Kindle publishing business.

So again, self-serving but yes, I do believe that a digital agency is an easy, high margin business that if you run it right, you can definitely have that "four hour workweek" laptop lifestyle.

Bryant Francom: For our listeners, what exactly is a digital agency? What does yours do and what is it like building one?

Dylan Ogline: Sure. So the rough term digital agency can mean all sorts of things. It can be a web design agency, it can be a company that does videography, it can be a company that does logo design. Basically any kind of digitally creative work. Video production business, that's a digital agency I would say.

What does my company do? So, Ogline Digital just does digital ad management. So when we onboard a client, very rarely we might build a website for them but we are taking them on to help them grow their online presence and get typically more clients, more customers, more leads. At the end of the day that's what they're after. Essentially what we're doing is we are creating their Facebook ads, we are writing their Facebook ads, Google ads, or whatever. Creating the landing pages that the potential customer or client goes to. We manage all that and we charge a 10% fee for whatever their monthly ad spend is. So if a client spends $25,000, at the end of the month we send them an invoice for $2,500. That is dumbing it down to what we do.

Bryant Francom: That's really interesting. So you specialize in that certain area but you also teach people. Do you help them develop in different areas?

Dylan Ogline: With my education company and my training program?

Bryant Francom: Yes.

Dylan Ogline: So, the training program that I have is called Agency 2.0. The tagline, what we're doing is it's a six week program. My goal is to be able to take anybody – I like to use the example of a soccer mom or a college student who's 21, knows nothing about the digital marketing world, knows nothing about starting their own business. Have that type of person come into the program and within six weeks they know everything, they have everything in place to build a 6-figure digital agency.

Do I just teach that? No. Week two of the program is all on mindset. I think mindset when it comes to business is critical. So week two, I mention business but it's all just about your mindset. Obviously most of the program is simply about building a successful digital agency.

Bryant Francom: Can you elaborate on this program a little bit more? How can people find out about it and learn more about it?

Dylan Ogline: Sure. So you just go to my personal website which is You're probably going to have it in the show notes or something like that. As of us recording this, which is Election Day 2020, we're not accepting any new students because I’m still building out the newest version of the program. But you can come to the website and you can join the waiting list.

Bryant Francom: That's great. Are you still in real-estate? What other businesses are you still in at this point?

Dylan Ogline: Nothing. Other than my main house and a piece of land, but not an investment property or anything like that, I completely got out of all real-estate. I got out of every other business. I just have the agency and the education company. The only reason I focused on the education is I’ve been blessed to have coaches, teachers, and mentors. It always feels like it's the right person at the right time. I’ve been blessed to have those people in my life, so I’ve always had this interest in being some kind of coach, some kind of teacher, some kind of mentor for people who are just starting out. Over the years I’ve been doing some kind of coaching or teaching. Now that my agency is to the point where I wanted to get it to financially, I’ve got an incredible team in place, and it requires very little of my time, I’m able to focus 95% of my time on the education company.

Bryant Francom: For those people who are trying to find a mentor, you seem like you've had a lot of luck in finding mentors. How do you do that?

Dylan Ogline: I would say I haven't had luck. The whole idea of you are the sum average of the five closest people in your world that I learned, that was probably one of the first self-help – I don’t remember what book it was or where I read it. But the very, very first business or self-help book that I ever picked up was Rich Dad, Poor Dad. Robert Kiyosaki has been a mentor of mine since then. Then I picked up another book or something where I learned the five closest people in your circle. So, I just actively was searching for people – again, like Tim Ferriss. I was searching for people who have the life I want to have or very similar life to what I want to have. Just focused on that. Instead of having 50 different mentors or following 50 different people, I just focused on the two or three people who were where I wanted to be.

Bryant Francom: I love that information. I’m doing the same thing. I’m studying Donald Bren right now who is the richest real-estate investor in the world.

Dylan Ogline: Mm-hm.

Bryant Francom: It's been pretty interesting just to learn about those different people and their ventures, and how you could apply it to your life. That's a great tip.

Dylan Ogline: Absolutely. One thing that I would recommend, say you’re doing real-estate, is there's probably 50,000 people who are teaching real-estate, or 50,000 coaches in the real-estate industry, or whatever. Pick one. Just pick one and follow them. That kind of sounds silly. Most of these people are probably successful so you’re not going to be able to pick the single best teacher, coach, or mentor.

In real-estate, it might be the most successful real-estate investor or whoever has the biggest portfolio or anything like that. I’m saying like, who has the highest quality training or things like that. You're not going to be able to narrow that down so don’t even try. Instead, pick the person, the coach, the mentor, whoever that you kind of just vibe the most with. It is as silly as that. The person who, when they jump on the podcast, you read something they write, they make a video that you’re like, I want to consume this content. Find that one person and just follow them. Follow their advice. Is it going to be absolutely perfect? Probably not. But what matters most is that you actually take ruthless action.

Bryant Francom: Yeah, for sure. That is crazy, good advice. I hope that all the listeners understand the depth of what he said and if they didn’t, go back and re-listen to it because that is crazy, good advice.

Dylan Ogline: Thank you. I appreciate that one.

Bryant Francom: Yeah, definitely. So, what's it like being a mentor? How do you connect people?

Dylan Ogline: You mean like, how do I get students?

Bryant Francom: Yeah. How do you find those students?

Dylan Ogline: Sure, sure. So, first, what it's like being a mentor? It's definitely the most rewarding work I’ve ever done. Especially when I look back. Say I onboard a client for Ogline Digital and say they're doing half a million in sales or whatever. They come on as a client and we get things rolling, we get their marketing growing, and they're able to go from half a million to a million dollars a year in sales. That's cool. That's awesome, right? But the business owner is just making more money.

With the coaching, mentoring, and having students come into my training program, that has been just ridiculously rewarding, as cliché and silly as that sounds. When somebody comes on and maybe they already have an agency, they have a job where they're making $2,000 or $3,000 a month and they want to quit that job and they want to start their own business. They get going and three months into the program they have an agency where they're making $5,000 a month or $6,000, or $7,000 a month, whatever. I mean, is that setting the world on fire? Is that changing the world? Absolutely not. But that changed that person's life and that is completely different than just helping a business grow.

I mean by all means, I love the agency work. But for me, I am in an extremely privileged position in my life. Have I worked hard? No doubt about it. Have I made sacrifices? Undoubtedly. Have I made smart plays? Sure thing. But I’ve also just been really lucky here and there. What if I had never picked up Rich Dad, Poor Dad or if I had never picked up The 4-hour Workweek? I consider those things blessings or luck, whatever. I kind of think the purpose of life is to take the luck that you've been given, the blessing you've been given, whatever you want to call it, and kind of spread that around a little bit the best you can. With the education company and helping students, I feel like I’m actually doing that so it's extremely rewarding. Extremely rewarding work.

How do I find students was your other question. Facebook ads. My program's called Agency 2.0. It's not because it's the second version. It's actually the third version. The first version, all I did was I reached out to people who I had met at industry events or whatever, who I kind of had done a little bit of mentoring or they simply had asked me like, hey how do I start my own business and things like that? I just reached out to them and was like, hey I’m starting this program. I’m going to make some videos, throw them on Google Drive, and just going to show you how to start your own agency. Do you want to join? It's $300 or whatever. I don’t remember what the price was. I think I got like, eight people. That was it. It wasn't about the money. I wanted to see like, can I actually teach people to do this?

All of them took action. All of them got results. Then I was like, okay I want to see if I can actually teach people who I’ve never spoken to before and just did some Facebook ads. My goal was to get 100 people into the program and once I hit that, shut off the Facebook ads and just spent the next year just learning from people, seeing what the people really need to know to build their own agency. So, that's how I get people, is Facebook ads.

Bryant Francom: I have one more question about your mentoring program.

Dylan Ogline: Sure.

Bryant Francom: So, I’ve always wondered how to price a mentoring program because you price it too low, then people are going to think it's crap because it's cheap or it's free. But you price it too high and then people are thinking, this person's just after my money. So, how do you go about pricing it?

Dylan Ogline: What you said is totally true. I’m actually going to expand on that story I just told about the first seven or eight people I got to join. I'll bring this around and answer your question but what happened was I – this was probably like, 2016 or something like that when I was doing mentoring but I wasn't charging because I enjoyed it. It was just like, meet people and they'd be like, hey, how do I start my own business? I want to start an agency, or I want to start this business, or I want to start that. I was like, yeah sure, I'll help you. Absolutely nobody took any action. Absolutely nobody got any results. It was terrible. I kind of was like, oh I guess I can't do this.

I think it was 2016/2017, I was at a Mastermind event. I pay for training, I still do to this day. I was at a Mastermind event and I think it was a dinner or something and I just happened to be sitting next to this lady who had a very successful training business. I think she has several different training programs. I forget what industry she's in. But she's very successful. We started talking and I straight up asked her, like, listen. I know how to do what I’m doing but none of these people are taking any action. What am I doing wrong? Am I just a terrible teacher? She's like, the problem is they don’t have any skin in the game. You're just giving this advice for free. You're sending people books for free. You're jumping on calls with them for free.

Which is great, you have a good heart to do that but they're not going to do anything because they have no skin in the game. They need to be committed to it. She was like, actually go to them and be like, I want your money. It's not greed. It's their commitment. Don't be like $50. It has to be at least a couple hundred dollars and be honest with them. Hey, if you don’t get any results, I'll give you your money back. Which is what I did. She's like, just see what happens then. That's exactly what I did. I went home. Maybe 15 people on an email list. Just went through the emails, emailed those people and was like, hey I’m doing this training program. Blah, blah, blah. It's going to be in Google Drive. A couple hundred bucks. I think it was $300 or $400. I forget.

All of a sudden all of them took action, all of them got results. So, yeah. If you just charge nothing, if you’re just giving stuff away for free, people aren't going to take any action. Now, what do you charge? That's an excellent question. It depends on what you’re doing. If you’re doing something where people are going to have a monetary gain from it, you can certainly charge more. But I don’t believe in hiding behind low prices. So if you’re charging somebody $3,000 or $4,000 – I know of programs that are $6,000, $8,000, or $10,000. That program better be pretty good. By charging that much, it forces you, the creator, to actually provide value. If you’re doing a $99 master class, it can be really bad. It's like, it was $99. What did you expect?

So, I am a firm believer in charging in more. If it's something like building an agency or a podcast business, I mean I don’t know, whatever it is, if there's a monetary gain, maybe spread out the payments. Maybe do a payment plan or something like that but charge premium prices. It forces your students to be committed and it also forces you, the creator to be committed as well and to provide good quality. I believe, always back it up with a 100% guarantee. I don’t want somebody's money if they don’t get results.

Bryant Francom: Right. That's right on. I think that's a good place to go to our final questions. First of all, what is your favorite book?

Dylan Ogline: Can't answer with one. I’m going to have to say two and that would be 4-Hour Workweek and Rich Dad, Poor Dad, undoubtedly.

Bryant Francom: That's perfect. I'll put those in the show notes. Those are both good books.

Dylan Ogline: Absolutely.

Bryant Francom: If you had to restart, what would you do? Would you even be in the same industry?

Dylan Ogline: Yeah, absolutely. I don’t want to ramble. I think that's always a bad way to look at things because if you would have asked me a year ago, two years ago, would you be where you are now, I'd be like, absolutely not. There's no way. So, would I do this? I absolutely love what I do now so I think that's how I'll answer that. I love what I do now.

Bryant Francom: One more. I think this one's going to be obvious from our past questions but how did you learn how to start a business?

Dylan Ogline: I think I just picked up Rich Dad, Poor Dad. People overthink it. Everybody understands business. I have a product, I have a service, and I sell it. That's it. Don't overthink it. Just take action. My inspiration or what drove me to get into business was that book, Rich Dad, Poor Dad. But I just did it. Which, nobody likes to hear that answer. I recognize that. But just do it. Everybody understands commerce, everybody understands capitalism. If you've ever had a job or you've ever done anything or you've ever gone into Walmart, you have a basic understanding of what you need to do. So, just do it. Just take action. That would be my answer.

Bryant Francom: Thank you so much for coming on the show and I really appreciate you sharing your time. I learned a lot and I hope the listeners learned as much as I did.

Dylan Ogline: Absolutely, man. Thank you so much for having me.

Bryant Francom: Definitely. We'll see ya.